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Discover the Netatmo Satisfaction Guarantee Programme

At Netatmo, we are committed to providing you with a worry-free shopping experience through our Satisfaction Guarantee Programme and its 100-day refund policy.

Purchase with confidence, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back

At Netatmo we take pride in our products and are dedicated to ensuring they meet your expectations. That’s why we offer a 100-day trial period. If, for any reason, our product doesn’t meet your needs, you can return it for a full refund. This programme highlights our commitment to delivering quality products while giving you the freedom to assess their value in your daily life. 

Simple and transparent return conditions

To take advantage of this programme, simply fill out the online form within 100 days from your purchase. You can register here. If the product doesn’t satisfy your needs you after using it for 100 days, return it to us intact in its box, with all its accessories, within 180 days of the purchase date. Once we confirm the product’s condition, we will issue a refund within four weeks. We have streamlined this process to ensure a smooth and stress-free shopping experience for you

Customer service at your disposal

Beyond our Satisfaction Guarantee Programme, we provide dedicated technical support to answer all your questions and help resolve any issues with our products. You can contact us via email or consult our complete FAQ which address common concerns. We do not just sell you a product; we are committed to supporting you throughout your entire experience, ensuring your total satisfaction, even after your purchase.


Our Netatmo Satisfaction Guarantee Programme is designed to give you peace of mind throughout your shopping experience, with flexible return conditions and continuous support. To find out more, please visit our dedicated platform

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