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Video door phones: how can you integrate these products into your smart home security system?

Video doorbell, video intercom, door security monitor, smart security doorbell, door phone… these home security products go by a whole lot of names, that really all describe the same high-tech, smart home security functions! Whatever the name of the product, it’ll essentially be offering you smart video and audio doorbell functions that you can add into your home security set-up. So, how can you choose the best product for your home?

How does a smart video doorbell work?

Smart video doorbells are the ultimate doorbell product: they allow you to view and communicate with the person outside your home before you even approach the door.

We’ll go into more detail about product specifications below – suffice to say that video doorbells are incredibly useful for home security.

Your new video door phone: wired or wireless?
Wired video doorbell systems will connect the internal monitor and the external section of the product via wires. So, you’ll need to connect up the video doorbell system to your home’s wired electricity.

With wireless intercom systems, you won’t need to wire up these parts of the product. Instead, they’ll communicate via radio waves. You’ll just need to ensure that the product has a strong connection to your home WiFi network, with signal that isn’t obstructed by any thick walls, or other obstacles.

Wireless security products allow you much more flexibility, adding products to your home security system as time and budget allow.

So, why not integrate a video doorbell into a wider, wireless smart home security system?

Your new video door phone: wired or wireless?

Wired video doorbell systems will connect the internal monitor and the external section of the product via wires. So, you’ll need to connect up the video doorbell system to your home’s wired electricity.

With wireless intercom systems, you won’t need to wire up these parts of the product. Instead, they’ll communicate via radio waves. You’ll just need to ensure that the product has a strong connection to your home WiFi network, with signal that isn’t obstructed by any thick walls, or other obstacles.

Wireless security products allow you much more flexibility, adding products to your home security system as time and budget allow.

At Netatmo, we like to keep things simple: video intercom, videophone, security doorbell… we’ve combined all these product names into one leading Netatmo Smart Video Doorbell. If you’ve got a standard wired doorbell, you can easily replace it with our Smart Video Doorbell. You can even keep your original doorbell chime!

How can you choose the best video doorbell product for your home security?

With such a wide range of video doorbell home security products out here, it can be difficult to know where to start browsing for your new smart intercom system! Not to worry: Netatmo has outlined the key product features that you’ll want to look out for.

So, think about whether you want your video doorbell to include – and the product quality of – the following:

  • Video

View security footage – both live and recorded, depending on the capabilities of your home’s video doorbell – of the people who visit your home and approach the doorbell’s integrated camera. Make sure you look for high quality security video, as you’ll need it to be as reliable as possible if you use it as evidence in a criminal investigation or a home insurance claim.

  • Intercom

Keep an eye out for the quality of the intercom screen and microphone, including the size of the screen. If you’re thinking of installing the video doorbell in a house with elderly residents, high quality, easy-to-interpret video and audio will be even more important.

  • Doorbell chime

Keep the chime sound from your original doorbell (the one that you’re about to replace with an exciting new video doorbell product), or choose a new doorbell chime sound for your home.

  • Security camera

Go for high definition quality to make sure that your video doorbell security footage is as reliable as possible. If you want to heighten your home security around the clock, make sure that your video doorbell includes infrared night vision technology. Plus, check whether the video doorbell will take video footage in colour, or in black and white, depending on your preference.

  • Security video footage

Many video doorbell products will offer free video storage options via the Cloud, for example. Store your video footage securely and easily with similar smart options, always ensuring that the way you store your security video footage complies with the data protection regulations in force.

  • Motion detection technology

The latest video doorbell products will likely incorporate motion detection technology. You’ll be notified as soon as a visitor to your home sets off the motion sensors, allowing you to view them on the internal monitor screen.

  • Night vision function

This could be an integral feature of your video doorbell security camera. Increase your home security around the clock with night vision, allowing you to recognise known faces – and deter unknown faces – even during the night.

  • Internal monitor

Make sure this will be easy to use for all the residents in the home, including young children and elderly relatives.

  • Wireless capabilities

As we saw above, wired systems can be more expensive to install, so you might want to consider wireless options.

  • Smart home security systems

Wireless connections enhance your home security system. Remotely control your video doorbell via an app on your smart devices, giving you complete control and peace of mind.

  • Weather resistance

This home security product will be placed outside the home, so make sure it’s durable.

  • Anti-vandalism functions

You might want your video doorbell to be especially resistant to tampering from vandals or potential intruders.

Netatmo’s Smart Video Doorbell takes high quality video images around the clock, thanks to its integrated night vision technology. Connect it up to a designated app on your smart devices and you can control your Smart Video Doorbell remotely – even while you’re away from home. You can remotely talk to whoever’s at the door, or deter a potential intruder from attempting to enter your home. What’s more, the Netatmo Smart Video Doorbell will send you an alert if anyone tries to tamper with the product.

Video intercom products: remote door and gate opening functions

Choose the right smart video doorbell product for you and use the integrated motion detection technology to automatically open doors and gates around your home.

The motion sensors will use infrared technology to facilitate the automatic functions. Plus, with the right smart video doorbell product, you’ll be able to remotely control these opening functions, while viewing the activity via security footage on your home’s monitor screen.

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