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Oil filled radiators are a certain type of electric inertia heater. They’re efficient and effective and can be purchased at fairly low prices - not bad, overall!
Vitally, oil filled radiators operate with high levels of inertia. This means that this type of heater accumulates a lot of heat while it’s turned on, storing heat up inside itself while heating the surrounding room. Later, once the oil filled radiator has been turned off, it will continue to emit this stored heat into the room. That’s the key benefit of high inertia! It ensures great, long lasting levels of thermal comfort in the room.
An element of the oil filled radiator called a heating core stores up this heat while it’s on. Then, the heating core (which can actually be formed of a liquid component, such as high performance mineral oil) transfers this stored heat to its metal casing. From there, the stored heat is transferred to the walls of the radiator and, eventually, its surroundings via radiation.
So, oil filled inertia radiators operate in 4 key stages:
Oil filled radiators possess certain advantages, given their status as inertia radiators. However, they also have specific disadvantages, given they are electric heating devices. So, before installing oil filled radiators in your home, it’s important to read through all the plus points and minus points.
Control your electric heaters remotely with Muller Intuitiv with Netatmo, the connected solution for electric heating! The connection module is easy to install, allowing you to monitor your electric heating consumption at all times. Then, you can optimise your home heating levels room by room, ensuring you’re only using - and paying for - exactly the levels of heating you need!
If you’re thinking about investing in oil filled radiators as an addition to your home heating, consider the following questions to see if they’re the right choice for you:
If you’ve considered all the questions above and have your heart set on purchasing oil filled inertia radiators to help with heating your home, it’ll be a fairly easy choice - there simply aren’t that many oil filled inertia radiator designs to choose from! It’s performance levels and size that change, really, so you’ll need to know your heating requirements and room dimensions before you make your purchase.
Oil filled radiators offer some of the best levels of inertia among all the electric radiators out there. As such, oil filled radiators are a fairly speedy and effective heating option, but you’ll need to watch the mounting costs of electricity usage! However, this is still rather minimal for great levels of auxiliary home heating.